Make an ESLint plugin for your team

Leo Lin
2 min readJan 27, 2022

There must be more and more rules added to your team’s style guide as the team grows up. And that’s a good thing actually. But it’s still hard to make everyone follow the style guide especially for those who just joined the team. As a frontend engineer, ESLint is just what we need.

Create an ESLint Plugin

The easiest way to start creating a plugin is to use the Yeoman generator. The generator will guide you through setting up the skeleton of a plugin.

You can add your first rule with yo eslint:rule after creating a plugin. A rule includes three parts: source file, test file and documentation.

Rule — Source File

AST(Abstract Syntax Tree) and the visitor pattern is essential when developing ESLint plugin (Babel and Codemods plugins also use the same tool).

Take the limit-continuous-import-declarations rule as example:

Besides, make the rule more complete by providing a meta object containing type, docs, fixable, schema, …etc.

Note: Program:exit is helpful when the rule needs to wait until the whole file is parsed.

Rule — Test File

Remember to configure the correct parser for your ruleTester. For example, set the parser to @babel/eslint-parser if you want to use ES6+ features.

Here is part of the unit tests in the limit-continuous-import-declarations rule:

Use the ESLint Plugin

Use the plugin by configuring the ESLint configuration file like this:

Or if the plugin provides some configs like recommended. Then the plugin can be used like this:

Complete Example

The complete source code is in this GitHub repository:

Useful Resource


